Saturday, November 18, 2006

tp, electricity, and other facets of single life

I've lived away from home before, but always with at least a couple roommates. So I've never lived completely by myself. The biggest downside to this is that time at home can occasionally be a battle with boredom/loneliness. However, there are pluses as well. For example:

-Things stay where I put them.
-Things last a really long time. Things like, soap, toilet paper, detergent, even food. My household cleaners will likely last several decades at the current rate of consumption.
-I can leave my shoes on the living room floor if I feel like it. Or the kitchen counter, or the hallway. In a word, I have options.
-Nobody scolds me if I fall asleep with the light or tv on. (Actually, this is probably a bad thing)

Speaking of, I got my second electricity bill today, and found it quite disconcerting. I have been trying my best to minimize use of electricity. Seriously, other than a couple of appliances and a light bulb or two in the evening,I use virtually no electricity at all. I haven't touched my thermostat in weeks. (The weather's been so moderate that I haven't had the heat or AC on in well over a month, I'm sure!)Yet somehow my bill was still over $30 dollars. I know, that's probably not worth complaining about, but I was sort of hoping for a bill in the five to ten dollar range. Is that too much to ask? I mean, c'mon- I have to pay for my suits!

SMR update

Sequoia Mountain Rescue called me back (the next morning). They voted on me, and I was unanimously approved as their newest probationary member! I believe that makes me the only conservative to win a vote in recent elections. I'm excited about the first team training exercise, on December 10.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm glad they got MY vote! If you divide our electric bill by 11 people NOT trying to conserve, it comes out to about $24.50 per person.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sean,
Congrats on your acceptance onto the SMR Team. Hope training goes well for ya! And about the electric bill, kinda make more sense now why our parents always give those pep talks about conserving electricity huh???!!!!

Nic Ridley said...

Kara sent me your website the same day you commented on mine. It's good to hear from you and exciting to hear all that God is doing in your life!

Oh...and I'm really jealous that you got to spend $1,000 on suits!=)

Anonymous said...

I think if you never put on a light nor used any heat for maybe two years you'll be able to pay for the suits =)
We're so excited you got accepted - that's "right up your forte"

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you. I knew you'd get it! Have fun with it Sean and be safe.

Anonymous said...

Our electricity bill in CA was like $19 a month. I think we turned the heat on 3 times in 3 years! I would love to get a $19 bill now! :)

Anonymous said...

I remember when Kara and I lived in our Apartment in Leesburg, we hardly used any electric and I think the cheapest we had was like $30, it really sucked. Anyway, just saying "hi!"

Anonymous said...

You never spent $1,000 on tools when you worked for me. I guess these are your new tools. (sweet)I see you are still a night owl, posting at 2:00 am.

Anonymous said...

Hey Seanie!... Doing a fabulous job on here! Anyways, it was good hearing from you last night. I can't believe you paid 30 dollars for electricity, scandalous!

SES said...

Dad- yeah, for some reason Martens didn't want to pay for my new tools of the trade. Also, I am still a night owl, but I think you mistook am for pm. =)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being an official member of SMR! And by the way, I fall asleep with the light on all the time. It works great for me. :) Happy Thanksgiving! -Kara

Christian said...

I can't help but snicker at the idea of an attorney being upset by a $30 electric bill. *snicker, snicker* We hit close to $200 at the Sangree house when the AC is crankin' and it's 110 degrees outside. In the winter it drops down all the way to like $50, though! So we're pretty lucky. I just enrolled in the average bill payment system so it's $100 every month now.