Tuesday, November 14, 2006

today's highlights

1. Blowing the budget at Men's Wearhouse. Pro's: now that I'm getting my first new custom-tailored suits, I can see myself actually enjoying dressing up for the first time in my life. Con's: spent just over a thousand bucks! Yikes. Hopefully I'll be able to recoup that when I show up in court in my new duds and attract lots of new clients.

2. Buying my first set of golf clubs at the "Rescued Treasures" Salvation Army thrift store for $10. The boss and I conjured up the brilliant idea of buying ourselves 20 spare clubs so we can have some extra fun on the course by wrapping a nine iron around a tree or sending the #3 wood on a high arc into the water hazard. Also a great stress reliever. (more on golf in a future post)

golfing done right.

3. Walking several blocks downtown in the middle of the afternoon on our way back to the office from Rescued Treasures, sporting our newly acquired clubs (no caddies, just clubs). Lots of interesting looks from motorists and passersby.

4. Attending a first meeting with Sequoia Mountain Rescue. Most of the team was there, and I was impressed with the professional yet fun and close-knit atmosphere. I'm looking forward to hearing back from them soon. (I think they were going to vote on whether to accept me as a probationary member after I left.)


Anonymous said...

Who wouldn't accept YOU, Sean!! Just let us know if you need a good recommendation! Thanks for the pics and updates! Gives this stay-at-home mom something to do outside of her world! Every morning I can "go" to the Carolinas, OK and now CA! Hope to see you during the annual holiday get together?

Anonymous said...

We will be expecting a post showing you in your new duds. :)

Christian said...

I want to see movie clips of the demise of those 20 rescued treasure clubs. =)

So glad to hear the SMR mtg went well.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you spent over a K for that suit...unbelievable...for you!

SES said...

clarification- it wasn't just one suit. I'm not completely crazy!

Anonymous said...

Hey SES,
Hope everything works out for you with the Sequoia Mountain Rescue Team. You're becoming quite the outdoorsman!

Anonymous said...

I love spending money on clothes:)

Janice Phillips said...

Ok, dude, you totally have to post a pic of you wrapping a 9-iron around a tree...lol!!

Janice Phillips said...

Oh, and way to go on getting suited up (pun intended). Better to go for the good stuff every few years than wear crap and replace it more often. I say that's being a wise steward.

Anonymous said...

Please post some pics of you in your new suits, shoes etc. I'm happy for ya!
I laughed so hard over your golf club purchases and comments. It was also great to finally see a pic of Christopher as well. Love your blog - what a blessing it is to us!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, somehow I forgot to sign! Love you loads and sure will miss you this Thanksgiving, but pray you'll have a wonderful one. ( Are you cooking the turkey?=)