Saturday, November 18, 2006

more on grace

Just one more paragraph from that book, definitely worth the read, in my opinion:

"During the Brezhnev era at the height of the Cold War, Billy Graham visited Russia and met with government and church leaders. Conservatives back home reproached him for treating the Russians with such courtesy and respect. He should have taken a more prophetic role, they said, by condemning the abuses of human rights and religious liberty. One of his critics accused him of setting the church back fifty years. Graham listened, lowered his head, and replied, 'I am deeply ashamed. I have been trying very heard to set the church back two thousand years.'"

By this all men will know that you are My disciples: If you love one another.


Anonymous said...

A vote for Billy Graham! I wonder sometimes what Jesus would think of our churches today. Where IS the real love?

Christian said...

Awesome quote, bro. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That was great - wow!
What a comeback!

Anonymous said...

Just keep posting from the book for me would you? :) It is a great way to get the highlights, since I do not get much time to read anymore. :)

SES said...

well Erin, I finished it, so that could prove difficult...