Saturday I participated in an SMR training event. The focus was on winter skills and navigation. It was my first time on snowshoes and I had a blast! I enjoyed getting to know some of the team members a little bit better, and here’s something I’m pretty excited about: I got an invite to go ice climbing next weekend (using technical tools and skills to ascend the vertical face of a 200’ frozen waterfall inside Sequoia Natl Park)! I’ll certainly be posting more on that if it works out.
Also, I was issued a nifty little handheld GPS/radio unit to keep for as long as I'm part of the team. Members are encouraged to use them on their own adventures so that they're always familiar with their operation and control. These things don't eliminate the need for traditional orienteering skills with map and compass, but they sure are useful for things like finding/marking locations, determining altitude, and keeping in contact with team members and HQ.
Awesome pics, bro! Can't wait to see the ice climbing pics, too. Any time you and your buddies want to fly me out, I'll go with and be your photojournalist. =)
Sean this is great. What adventures and what a great group to hang out with. We are also looking foward to seeing pictures from the ice climbing trip. Love Mom & Dad
Sean your pics are fabulous! We have not seen snow yet in PA. What fun being a part of the team. We're so thankful that you're in the Lord's hands, whether climbing up a 200ft frozen waterfall or in a prison talking to a 200+lb inmate (client) alone in a amall concrete cell =)
Oh to be young and adventuresome! I never was the type(adventuresome, that is-I was young once)but sure enjoy reading and watching people who are! Thanks for the armchair travel & the beautiful pictures!
Hey Sean! I guess I haven't checked your blog in a while. I can't believe all the hilarious things I missed. Locking yourself out of your apt...loosing the file of your dismissed case. LOL! Great posts. :) -K
Awesome pics, bro! Can't wait to see the ice climbing pics, too. Any time you and your buddies want to fly me out, I'll go with and be your photojournalist. =)
Sean this is great. What adventures and what a great group to hang out with. We are also looking foward to seeing pictures from the ice climbing trip. Love Mom & Dad
Sean your pics are fabulous! We have not seen snow yet in PA. What fun being a part of the team. We're so thankful that you're in the Lord's hands, whether climbing up a 200ft frozen waterfall or in a prison talking to a 200+lb inmate (client) alone in a amall concrete cell =)
Oh to be young and adventuresome! I never was the type(adventuresome, that is-I was young once)but sure enjoy reading and watching people who are! Thanks for the armchair travel & the beautiful pictures!
I am sure my adrenaline junkie son(aka Kyle) will one day have lots of questions about this ice climbing. :) Have fun!
Sean, I just got this email from Gillian and thought I'd pass it on to you. (It was such a joy to hear from her)
Allison: Of course I know Baby Storie has arrived safe and sound, I know everything that’s going on over there, I don’t miss a trick!!!
This is my second time on the blogs for the day, they are soooo cool to read, but I still don’t know what to do to make a
Comment, and George has been so busy, he has not even been available for us to even sit down and figure it out, so
One day when I am on I will ring you, hopefully I get you, and you will have to walk me through it. This blogging
Business - what an amazing way of keeping in touch with family (technology is so amazing) I feel as though I am
Right there. By the way, Sean and yourself are not blogging enough, days and days go by and nothing is on your
Site, eh eh what’s your problem man???? I EXPECT NEWS EVERYDAY!! Chris is a boy after my own heart, I am
Guaranteed to get some new news on his website even if I go on 100 times a day. He is the King of Blogging.
KEEP IT UP CHRISTIAN! – smile - Seriously though, you probably don’t have the time everyday, and rightly so,
But when you do, there are so many nuggets and so much information in your messages and news, and I know
That everything comes from the depths of your heart. You are doing an amazing job, you really are Allison, please
Keep it up. I must go now, it is getting late, we love you and your family so much. bye for now, Gillian
Hey Sean! I guess I haven't checked your blog in a while. I can't believe all the hilarious things I missed. Locking yourself out of your apt...loosing the file of your dismissed case. LOL! Great posts. :) -K
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