Wednesday, January 10, 2007

holidays '06

okay, I'm back, and I have a lot of catching up to do.

My flight home for Christmas wasn't scheduled for departure until almost midnight on the 24th, so I had most of Christmas Eve to finish up shopping, do laundry, and pack. It was a fairly relaxing day, all except for the part of the day where I stepped outside to throw something in the dumpster and discovered that the door had locked behind me. My wallet, cell phone, and keys were all inside. I had left the TV and the heat on (yeah, I was splurging since it was Christmas Eve). The apartment manager was nowhere to be found, and I had a plane to catch!

Long story short, I got some hanger wire from a neighbor, climbed up onto the laundry room roof and from there climbed onto my balcony, where I used the wire to jimmy the latch on my sliding glass doors. This solution solved my immediate problems, but has made me all the more interested in looking into renter's insurance, in case anyone else has similar ideas.

My travel to and from PA was just like my dating life: uneventful and hassle-free. I actually made it to and from LA in just a couple hours, although directions online predicted 3.5! And on one leg of the trip, the passengers barely outnumbered the crew so I had a whole row to myself.

The highlights of my time at home were relaxing with my parents, hangin' out at my sister's, "Buckin' Bronco" with the nephews and niece, and games and restaurants with friends. I can't believe I had wondered what I was going to do for nearly two weeks. I was booked! But although busy, the vacation was restful overall. I slept in and stayed up atrociously late too, which of course is singularly unproductive but what vacations are all about.

I'm back in Cali now, and not sure which place to call "home" anymore. But it doesn't really matter, I suppose. It's not like I have no place to call home- I have two =). I feel really lucky to have such awesome family and friends. Happy 2007 y'all!


Anonymous said...

Happy 2007 to you too! So glad you're back blogging. We sure enjoyed having you home for the holidays too! We love you LOADS!!!

Anonymous said...

It was great to have you here for those couple of game nights (even though I didn't see much of anyone!) SO sorry about New Year's Eve! Erin & I spent the night driving to SC with the truckers & drunks in the rain!

Anonymous said...

I've learned from experience that "home is where the heart is" both physically and otherwise.

Anonymous said...

We are equally blessed to have such an awesome son. It was great having you home for the holidays. We miss your late night antics

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for coming home for Christmas, Sean. We had so much fun with you. Already looking forward to next Christmas - although hopefully we'll see you before then.

Stay warm out there and remember the three p's. Love ya, bro.

Anonymous said...

I want to know what the 3 p's are! let me guess: persevere, pray and praise. Or is it phone, post and presents (coming from Dana this could be it). Or maybe her advise was Play, p... and p....
You fill in the blanks! Any suggestions anyone?
I just thought of three more that it could be; Peanut butter cups, Paydays, and Peanut M & Ms.

SES said...

hehe. the three p's are plants, pets, and pipes. There's been a bit of a cold snap here and I was telling Dana how local media was warning about "the three P's." Incidentally, fruit growers out here have lost a big chunk of the citrus crop.