Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Yosemite National Park

For Columbus Day my friend Mark and I took a day trip up to Yosemite. The natural beauty in that park was absolutely stunning. My measly little camera does it a great injustice. But since I have no better way of showing what we experienced, here are a few pics:

(L) Half dome (I think), and Nevada Falls

Half Dome

The final 1/4 mile or so up Half Dome is straight up a granite slab which is at probably around a 60 degree angle or so. pretty intense! I was definitely a little nervous at first, but then grew accustomed to it.

One of the views from the top. I think they call this the Devil's Pulpit.

Me =)

Vernal Falls

Mark has a rather poor tolerance for altitude, so he took a nap while I scompered up the final 2+ miles on my own. This was a challenging hike, with significant elevation gain. I think it's around 17 miles roundtrip.

On the way home I napped in Mark's Camero while he drove it like a crazy man. Let's just say I can now report that I've gone 100 mph in a 35 mph zone. =) He's a good driver though.

On the way home we stopped in Fresno and met two other OBCL alumnus, Jon and Sally Freeman, for dinner at The Brewhouse or something such. When we finally crashed back at my apartment, sleep came swift and sweet.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures, Sean! I don't like heights, so I admire anyone who can stand on that ledge! After hiking the Appl. Trail, 17 m. must seem like a walk in the park (minus the altitude). Thanks for a glimpse into your life. Remember when we were an everyday part of yours? Great memories of "normality reality"!

Anonymous said...

Correction (should have previewed) I meant "a walk in the park (PLUS the altitude)"

Anonymous said...

Dad & I can hardly wait to visit! What incredible scenery! God sure knew what He was doing when He opened that door for you. We miss you, but are so very happy for you. Keep up the blog - we love the pics and reading everything - the more the better =) An added blessing is reading the comments of friends (esp. VA).

Christian said...

Hey, Sean, that mural at Cabela's sure looks real!

Janice Phillips said...

Gorgeous!! Don't you just love it there? I loved going there as a kid but haven't been back in...um...20 years...wow, I feel old.

SES said...

thanks a lot bro- now every time I look at the pic with me in it I think how fake it looks =)

Rachelle said...

Being Mark's sister means constant nightmares about his driving.... Glad you two can share your love of hiking and the socialsphere! -rlr