I miss my nieces and nephews! Can't wait to see the PA ones at least over Christmas. Look at how cute these kids are!

This is the newest neice, Mary Kate Colleen. Looks like she was born with only three fingers on her right hand.

This is my Oklahoma niece, Adelaide Wynn, or "Addie." Do we not make a very cute couple?

And here's a man after my own heart: Owen Patrick. He concocted this getup with the help of his two older brothers and younger sister before bedtime the other day. This is some classic styling: tube socks to the shoulder, pants legs rolled up to the thigh, and suspenders with no shirt. Reminds me of some of my own original designs, back in the day. I'm not sure exactly what he was going to be fishing for.

He doesn't even wear glasses. And yes, that's a sharpened stick protruding from the bandana. Note the clever placement of hair (or ear =) scrungies. Ingenious!
My eyes are watering with laughter. And I'm sitting in the office, so I need to keep it down. =)
Thanks for the great pics and fun post! Addie misses her Uncle Sean, and she's really looking forward to the "surprise" visit from Grandmum and Grandad for Daddy's (my) birthday!
HAHAHA!! That's awesome!!
Like Owen's ankle bracelet! If I remember correctly, you were "pretty crazy" when we met you at 14! And everyone used to say "that Sean is SO quiet". I always wondered if they were talking about the same Sean we knew! I guess that was just your church "image"!
Those kids are constantly cracking me up...too funny!
I hope everyone is noticing that ours are so much better behaved than Dana's. =) Just kdding! We're fixing to take the cake.
Hey Sean!
Thanks for commenting on our blog the other day... it's nice being able to keep up with you and Christian. ;) Just wish Dana had a blog too. :) Anyway, maybe we'll see you at Christmas. Happy Holidays!
Great pics Sean - looked just like you - wonder who they take after=) Actually Owen came over 2 days this week to help me put up Christmas decorations - he's the decorating king (glad he isn't like you in everything=) What an incredible blessing he was! Now we're all ready for your visit home for Christmas. We all miss you too!!!!!!!!!
Got to see Owen last night,but he didn't have on that outfit! Andrew had on the funny one (he had on Owen's pjs-2 sizes too small!) Had a nice visit with your parents while they were babysitting (we were going to watch a movie but talked too much) Gives us a good excuse to get together again soon!
Mom and Mrs. Sangree talking too much? I just find that so hard to believe. I always remember them being so quiet.
Great pictures Sean! Since Dana does not have a blog, I guess you will have to post pictures of her kids for us! :)
You're an incredible blessing too!! But I wouldn't exactly call you the king of Christmas decorating =) eg Do you have your Christmas tree up yet? =)
well I didn't put up a christmas tree, but I did buy a new vacuum cleaner! I suppose I could vacuum christmas tree shapes onto the floor, maybe. See? I'm not Scroogy.
I'd like to note that your commenters post comments WAY too early in the morning.
I see your nephew takes his fashion sense from his Uncle Sean. ;-)
christian: yeah, that is odd. My blog is set to PCT and those way-early ones are from folks commenting at 7 or 8 am EST.
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