Wednesday, December 13, 2006

tidings of great birthday wishes

Happy birthday bro. you da man!

In keeping with the excellent tradition started by Erin...


Anonymous said...

That photo of the 3 of you is one of my all time favourites. Love the way the long road disappears into the distance (the future?) behind you all. And love the fact that you all have kept so close. Proud of you. Love you.
A. Margie

Anonymous said...

That old photo of you guys is a classic!

It is a good thing that you were tall enough to be an usher at their wedding. (sorry, couldn't resist)

Anonymous said...

Love the old pic of you guys! You all use to be soo cute... what happened?? ;-)He he! JK

Anonymous said...

What a shame you didn't keep the Beatle hairstyle! It would have looked so cute with the tux! All kidding aside, it is an adorable picture!! I made it bigger and on Sean's T-shirt it says, "I am...."
What? Do you remember?

SES said...

Mrs. A. I thought it said "I am special," but now that I look at the pic again I'm not sure that's it. How could I forget!? That was probably my favorite shirt.

Erin- lol. thanks so much for bringing up that extremely painful memory =)

Christian said...

Thanks, bro! We're all sitting around together enjoying the post and photos. Your shirt said,

I am
I am Terr
I am Terrific

Thanks for the post, bro. I love you, too! So glad we're close even though we're still a few states apart. =)

Anonymous said...

I am terrible,
We are sitting in Christian's livingroom thinking of what the shirt might have said.
Actually mom says it said
I am
I am terr
I am terrific

Anonymous said...

Awe, CWS beat us to it! We're all sitting here together and he whips out his computer and 'presto'! He has a smug smile on his face now! Anyway missing you and love to read your blog!

Anonymous said...

After looking at that picture a bit, I feel so sad. No one has their arm around me!! No wonder I have feelings of insecurity...neglect...want...nakedness...pestilence...peril...sword... you get the idea.

Honestly, I love that picture too, guys. It really should have had the road branching in three different directions though. Hee! Hee!

Looking forward to Boxing Day, Bro.

Anonymous said...

By the way, that other word was peril. I guess this blog never saw a word that long before.

SES said...

whatchew talkin' 'bout, Willis! My left hand is holding you tight. Did you think that was a growth on C's left bicep? You can even see (barely)my cute little fingers on your left side.