My new car falls only partially within that description: fun to drive? Oh yeah =). We're talking six speed manual, just over 200 ponies, and no turbo lag in a compact hatchback. Economical to purchase, fuel, and maintain? Not so much. Granted I got it for significantly less than blue book value. But it was still more than I've ever spent on anything, and it only took one trip to the VW service center to learn that with these new cars you can hardly do anything on them yourself, and the people who do work on them are anything but cheap. Everything's a trade off, I guess. I like the car, and the way I see it- a lawyer with no girlfriend oughta be able to afford a "poor man's BMW," right?
Enough about the car. Whitewater still consumes as much time as I can manage to spare from work. Saturday I hit the Park Boundary run on the Kaweah river. Which means that I've now paddled all of the Kaweah from inside Sequoia National Park all the way to the terminus reservoir. I'm in the market for a second boat- one with more volume and stability as I progress to more challenging water. Plus with a second set of gear I'll be able to take out friends and family who have an interest in the sport.
This particular run has 15 rapids in half a mile. Boredom not likely!
"The Chute." Gateway run, Kaweah River. Right side up and looking good!
Not so good =). My stern is up out of the water in this picture because I'm bouncing off a rock with my head. Thank God for helmets!
Kayaking buddies Evan and Gene on Brush Creek. When I tried the same thing I somehow managed to fall into the crack we were portaging. Other than a bruised elbow, I was unhurt (much to the amazement of Evan and Gene).
Work is intense but rewarding. I won my second jury trial recently. Getting guilty verdicts on all counts was probably more satisfying because I lost my first trial. (No blog post about that because I was seriously bummed out for about a month =). I have one more week in my current assignment, and then I'm getting transferred to our Juvenile Division, which should prove interesting. Kiddie Court is serious biz- I'll be getting my first exposure to felonies of all types and degrees. Local gangs doing drive-by's often give the gun to a 16 or 17 yr old because they know the consequences if caught will be less severe for a juvie. Probably the biggest difference between juvenile and adult criminal law is that juvie proceedings are all confidential. No juries, no trials, no convictions- only "jurisdictional hearings" and "adjudications." California believes strongly in rehabilitating young offenders and giving them every chance to improve/succeed.
In other news:
-Over four weekends in March I completed an 80 hour search and rescue academy put on by the sheriff's office. It's required in order to respond to out-of-county call outs. (With my current work schedule that's not likely to happen, but it was still good instruction and useful for local SAR ops too.)
-I've made some new friends at a new weekly Bible study.
-I'm still rejoicing with my brother in his miraculous answer to prayer. If you haven't heard the story, check it out on his blog at
-I ran into a former client at the supermarket tonight. His case is still ongoing, and he wasn't happy when I told him I switched jobs.
-I haven't played Ultimate in a while and that makes me sad.
-I'm going to Oklahoma next month to visit family, and that makes me very happy.
-My 6 month LASIK checkup is coming up. I don't think I blogged about that. Long story short- I had the procedure done in October, my vision is much improved, and I love not having to wear contacts or glasses anymore.
All the stuff I can forget about, at least until I hit 40 and need reading glasses.
Shortly after the procedure. And in case you're wondering. No, it doesn't really hurt, but you are conscious, and they do use metal tools to pry your eyelids open way past normal, and they do stick powerful suction cups on your eyeballs...
-The springtime weather has been beautiful lately. Honestly, I haven't touched my thermostat in months.
On the drive to the Kaweah, the town of Three Rivers, and Sequoia National Park
A common springtime view in agricultural Tulare County.
Nice post, Sean. It's great to see you back up and running in cyberspace. Amazing car - can't wait to see it sometime. Really neat kayaking pictures -you make me very nervous... beautiful scenery too. I think I'm going to have to schedule a visit out there. Love you and can't wait to see you in May.
Dude, no more eye pictures please. They made my eyes water. Am glad you did not mention the "puffing" trick we did with the diesel. It looks like a great car.
Enjoyed the post.
love Dad
Great post Sean!
So wonderful getting caught up with photos etc.
Love the car!
You should have let people know that yellow speck was your helmet under the white water with your paddle in the air.
I'm so glad that it's after the fact as I read your blog =)
Beautiful scenery - we can't wait to visit again, but I don't think we'll take up your offer to go white-water kayaking with you =)
How about a lake instead.
Love you loads!
Well finally Sean, what took you so long - everyday I check your blog and get very disappointed when there is nothing, but you are excused, you made up for it with all the great news. Nice car, but please don't check it out at Death Valley, we believe you, I am convinced it goes to 160!!! By the way, Sean, I am commenting big time these days, since your mom walked me through it, how come you only just picked up on that??!!
Love you Sangrees - I so enjoy your blogs, keeps me connected.
A. Gillian
Hey, bro ~ nice wheels! Too bad you can't bring it with you for your visit. We'll have to go test drive a car or two while you're here.
Enjoyed the video and pics! I've been so swamped with the gear fiasco that I'm behind by almost 900 blogs right now. (That many unread)
The amazing news... I get to keep the recovered gear! That just in from the insurance company today. WOW! What a blessing. I can't believe how many good things have come from this!
Nice car! Gross eye picture, though.
Haven't been into the blog world lately, but sure enjoyed your update! Love your new car's name and the fact that you would name it! Glad to hear about all your successes and experiences! We're proud of you!
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